Farm Tour Friday 11/26/2021
Happy Friday! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving whether it was spending time with family and friends or enjoying a quiet evening at home. We had a lovely dinner with family and enjoyed each others company. There was an abundance of delicious food that we all were thankful for. Our part were the pies. Kate made a pumpkin pie made from a winter squash called Sweet Meat, a pecan pie, a mixed berry pie, and a naked chocolate pie(aka the best chocolate pudding ever). All were gluten free, so all family members could enjoy them.
The after dinner glow.
Mixed berry and pecan pie.
This week we continued to pack the dahlias up for winter storage. The cooler is filling up quickly with all the dahlias. We still have around 20 more varieties to pack up and then the dahlias can rest for a few months. Our plan is to start dividing them in January.
Kate working on packing up dahlia tubers for the winter.
Dahlias in the cooler for winter storage
It was colder this week and that meant the daily chores took longer. During the winter months tasks on the farm just seem to take longer than they would in warmer months. Even getting out the door takes longer. Our coveralls, winter boots, heavy jackets, hats, gloves, and scarfs have migrated to the front door again and will live there until the grass starts to grow again. We don’t mind the change of pace that this time of year brings. It means spending more time with family, cooking hearty meals, collecting our thoughts from the year, and planning next seasons crops.
We didn’t grow much food this year on the farm as we were focused on our cut flowers but the one food crop we did grow was garlic. Garlic is an important staple in our home as we use is in almost everything we cook that is savory. We have worked for a few years to have a good amount for our family to use through the year. Next years crop of garlic was planted this week, it is a bit late for us to be planting it in our area but better late than never. We processed the rest of this year’s harvest that had been hanging in the barn for several months curing and we have over 50lbs to using in our cooking. Yum!
This year we spent time drying our flowers that we grew upstairs on the 2nd floor of our barn. We hung the flower bunches upside down and let the warm air dry them. This was an experiment for us to see what worked in our climate and what didn’t. We learned a lot and are still learning. It was amazing to see how the different flowers dried. We have been practicing making wreaths with the dried flowers. It has felt really good to be creative again with our product.
Flowers hanging in the barn to dry.
Making a dried flower wreath
The new high tunnel construction is to start this coming week. Our contractor stopped by to check out the sight preparation for the high tunnel. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly that the crew can start this week. We are really excited to have another high tunnel up to be able to grow more flowers for our customers.
Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining me for Farm Tour Friday.