Farm Tour Friday 12/10/2021
Yay it’s Friday! If you’re like me, Friday brings a relaxing vibe that is needed at the end of a busy week. The weather on the farm this week was crazy. We had rain, snow, freezing rain, lows in the 20’s and highs in the 50’s, and the sun finally appeared today. December is trying to figure out if it wants to let the winter weather take hold completely. We read in the Farmer’s Almanac that if the weather in December is unsettled it will be a mild winter. I guess we will wait and see how the winter will go but I would not mind a mild winter.
This week we weren’t as busy as normal outside because of the rainy and snowy first half of the week. So we all took a bit of a break and focused on resting and relaxing. My mom started a few new books this week that my Dad picked up for her at our local library’s annual book sale. My Dad enjoyed several days of deer hunting but didn’t stay out long in the woods because it was down right cold most of the days this week. I was able to cook dinner for my family and even took request from my girls what to have. One night’s request was hamburgers and I made homemade burger buns to go with them. It feel good to cook and be in the kitchen relaxed and enjoying time with my girls. That’s what winter is for right? A time to recharge our batteries from the intense growing season and do some selfcare. Even if it means I can do laundry all day when everyone is at school and listen to a pod cast on farming.
Sorting the many packets of flower seed we have for the up coming season.
My mom and I worked on planning our seeding scheduled of spring crops and projected what our Mother’s Day bouquets will consist of. It always amazes me how far out we have to plan a crop before we ever have a flower to harvest. We say that we are always living in the future as a flower farmer. Sometime it makes it hard to enjoy the beautiful season we are currently in at the time.
Celosia flowers we harvested for seed saving.
Cleaning Celosia seed.
As the week went on the weather got better. We continued to clean up the greenhouse of old lisianthus crops and dug up the Tuberose bulbs for winter in storage to be planted out next summer. Tuberose is a lovely white flower that smells AMAZING. One stem of Tuberose in an arrangement will fill a whole room with a lovey sweet aroma. One interesting fact about Tuberose is that they are pollinated by moths at night therefore they are most fragrant during the evening.
Bed in our greenhouse getting renovated.
We got the fuel delivered for our new heater in our propagation house. This will be a game changer having a heated space. We haven’t had a heated greenhouse up until this point. It will make growing our flower seedlings much easier and I am hoping that it will help us have a more consistent seed germination and plant growth. Each year we make improvements and this year we made sure to get the heater up an running. I’m hoping it goes smoothly. I will report back.
Our new fuel tank for our propagation house heater.
The heater in our propagation house.
Thanks for joining me for Farm Tour Friday. As always have a great weekend!
The sunsetting over the farm.